Featured Publications

BC Transfer Students: Profile and Performance Report (2018/19-2022/23)
This report highlights the pathways and performance of students who

Upgrading Programs
Student Transitions from Adult Basic Education Upgrading Programs into Further

2023-2024 Annual Review
Growing with BC’s transfer ecosystem This year marks the 35th

Summer Melt
The term “summer melt” denotes a phenomenon when post-secondary students

Professional Regulation and Transfer: Exploring the Impact of Professional Regulation on Transfer Activity in the BC Transfer System
This report examines the types of professional regulation in BC
Pathways Project
BC's transfer system is ideally positioned, both contextually and technologically, to provide the post-secondary sector with an easier way to identify and build program-to-program transfer, bridging or laddering opportunities. This will allow students to make informed decisions by mapping course requirements for their program.
BC Transfer Guide
Learn more about the transfer options available within the BC Transfer System using the BC Transfer Guide website. Users can use the various search tools to find transfer credit equivalency agreements between BC Transfer System members, for courses and programs, including block transfer agreements, degree partnerships, Adult Basic Education, and English as an Additional Language. Understand transfer as it relates to Associate Degrees, Program Specific Transfer, Advanced Placement, and International Baccalaureate programs.
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