Special Project Funding Program

BCCAT encourages the development of flexible and innovative transfer arrangements among BC post-secondary institutions. Additionally, there may be transfer-related issues that are specific to particular academic disciplines. The Special Projects Funding (SPF) program provides funding for articulation committees to conduct research into issues affecting transfer and articulation in their discipline(s), or to develop new types of transfer agreements.

BCCAT welcomes proposals from articulation committees for projects to be supported by this funding. To be eligible for SPF funding, a project must address a transfer-related issue. A project involving maintenance or updating of existing transfer agreements is generally not eligible for this funding.

The call for proposals for SPF funding is linked HERE. The application form is here, along with the BCCAT Contractor’s Guide which outlines expectations and responsibilities for researchers conducting BCCAT-funded research.

The amount of funding for SPF projects in the 2023-24 fiscal year is $15,000. Proposals will be accepted for projects requesting less than this amount.

Proposals will be adjudicated as they are received. Proposals will be adjudicated by BCCAT’s Transfer and Articulation Committee (TAC) at its regular meetings. Late and/or incomplete applications will not be evaluated.

For more information about the program, download the Contractor Guide and application form.