Applying Credit to Multiple Credentials
This report focuses on situations where students seek to apply credits to multiple credentials that are lateral (e.g. another credential at the same or lower level) or reverse (e.g. where […]
2005 Mobility of Transfer Students in BC
This report outlines the research findings that assessed number and proportion of potential transfer students from Fall 2004 who subsequently registered at BC universities in 2005, as well as the […]
How Much Academic Instruction Occurs Outside Research Universities in BC?
This newsletter quantifies the proportion of academic instruction that occurs in BC public post-secondary institutions other than research universities, using data from the Central Data Warehouse and BC Transfer Guide […]
Student Transfer, Success, & Mobility
This report is synthesizes the research facilitated by BCCAT regarding admissions and transfer in the BC public post-secondary system and includes student mobility experiences, graduation outcomes, and post-graduation activities.