A Look Back: A Retrospective Analysis of the Sequence of Life

This report looks at the current states of Life of Paths Way respondents, from March 2010 to September 1988, capturing the complex types and nature of various trajectories of individuals […]
Class of 1988: Ten Years Later
This report and summary describes the post-secondary educational participation, within and without British Columbia, and occupational patterns of the B.C. Grade 12 graduating class of 1988 ten years later, including […]
Investigating Transfer: The Student’s Perspective

This newsletter presents a synopsis of the following two reports: Phase I: Transfer Experiences of Students from Community College to University Phase II: Community College Students’ Perceptions of Transfer: The […]
Investigating Transfer: A History of Policy & Practice in BC

This report encompasses findings from Phase III of the Investigating Transfer Project, which includes a detailed historical summary of the growth of the higher education system in British Columbia since […]
Investigating Transfer: The Case of Douglas College

This report encompasses findings from Phase II of the Investigating Transfer Project, which interviews college students planning to transfer to examine their knowledge and perceptions of the transfer process, the […]
The Educational Paths of the Class of ’88

This report provides an overview of participation and transfer patterns, graduation rates, aspirations and expectations of, and beliefs about, post-secondary participation and debt load of BC youth.
Mapping the Realities of First Year Post-Secondary Life

This report explores data on how institutional policies, programs, and practices of the B.C. post-secondary system facilitate or constrain successful completion of studies and explores resources and strategies used by […]
Class of 1988: Five Years Later

This report and summary outline the findings from a second follow-up survey of the respondents to the 1989 Grade 12 Graduate Follow-up Survey Questionnaire of 1988 BC high school graduates.
Dynamics of Post-Secondary Participation: A 15 Year Portrayal of BC Young Adults

This newsletter reports on a 15 year follow-up study to the Paths on Life’s Way project, a longitudinal study which has followed BC high school graduates from the Class of […]
No Credential? Post-Secondary Participation & Life Activity Patterns of Class of ’88

This report & summary focuses on the Paths on Life’s Way project respondents who began their studies between 1988 & 2010 but did not earn a credential then. The long […]