2023-2024 Annual Review

Author: V. Yorkston | Published: Jun 25, 2024

Growing with BC’s transfer ecosystem

This year marks the 35th anniversary of BCCAT. As BC’s post-secondary transfer system has expanded and evolved over the years, so too has BCCAT’s role in supporting mobile students navigating educational pathways across institutions offering a greater range of credentials.
This report presents an overview of recent projects and activities and offers some reflections on the strengths of this community as we continue the vital work of supporting and advancing learner access and mobility.
The success of BC’s integrated transfer network is due to the collaborative efforts of many across BC who work to support and improve learner access and mobility. In the words of the Hon. Lisa Beare, “As we celebrate this significant anniversary, it is important to acknowledge the invaluable work of BC’s transfer ecosystem in supporting learner access and mobility, as well as the dedication and collaboration of this important partnership for our province.” We at BCCAT are privileged to work with these groups and individuals in expanding pathways for BC’s learners.

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