Contemporary Issues in Student Mobility: Proposal Template

Full Proposal Template for Contemporary Issues in Student Mobility projects.
Articulation Committees: Terms of Reference

The terms of Reference to guide the operations of articulation committees.
JAM Travel Expense

Articulation committee chairs and co-chairs located outside of the lower mainland are eligible to claim their travel and accommodation expenses as long as they conform to BCCAT’s Expense Claim Guidelines. […]
Travel Expense

Procedures Regarding BCCAT Travel Claims BCCAT has a number of standing committees and hosts meetings where the travel costs of participants are borne by BCCAT. Outlined below are some […]
BCCAT Policy 1A: Mandate, Membership, Roles and Responsibilities

This policy document outlines the mandate, membership, roles and responsibilities of the Council. (Latest revisions: June 10, 2024.)
BCCAT Policy 1B: General Guidelines for the Selection of Council, Committees, and Task Forces

This policy document outlines the the guidelines for selection of members of Council, committees, and task forces. (Latest revisions: October 3, 2022.)
Articulation Committee Spring & Fall Updates

These newsletters are biannual (Spring & Fall) updates on the Transfer & Articulation activities and BCCAT’s current projects and publications.
Research Plan

An overview of BCCAT research projects.
Call for Proposal: Exploring Indigenous Ways of Knowing & BCCAT’s Approach to Research

This project aims at exploring a variety of approaches for intertwining Indigenous ways of knowing and at developing a set of recommendations on indigenizing BCCAT research.
All About BCCAT

Infographic summaries about BCCAT, our publications, and other related topics.