All About BCCAT

Infographic summaries about BCCAT, our publications, and other related topics.

Find Your Path

BCCAT provides a range of “Find Your Path” resources to support transfer pathway planning for students. They outline basic info about and the BC Transfer System. We invite students, parents, advisors, […]

Underrepresented Groups of Students

The key purpose of the research project was to assess the policies and practices at the BC Transfer System institutions for admitting underrepresented (equity) groups of students, as well as […]

Articulation Committee Guide

The Articulation Committee Guide (2023 Edition) is a resource for articulation committees and participants in committees. The Guide includes a brief overview of the province’s articulation committees and their role […]

Survey of Movers

These are summaries of survey responses of students who moved to and from different level sectors in 2010-11.