Survey of Mobile Students

Author: E. Ting; T. Bui | Published: Apr 04, 2023

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In 2019, BCCAT collaborated with BC Stats to conduct the Survey of Mobile Students: this project examined transfer students (“movers”) and their decisions, motivations, and experiences within the BC transfer environment.

Expanding on the information collected through its predecessor, the 2012 Survey of Movers, this survey took place in the spring of 2019 and included 4,566 respondents from a cohort drawn using Student Transitions Project (STP) data. The survey was targeted toward students registered in an undergraduate program at a BC public post-secondary institution (PSI) in Fall 2016 and at least one different PSI by Fall 2018.

The information provided by respondents helps explain their profiles and pathways—who they are and how and why they change institutions—in ways that can inform future research, policies, and practices supporting post-secondary movers in the BC Transfer System. Sector-level summaries overview responses of students who moved to and from a specific sector.

Related research: 2012 Survey of Movers: Students who Move Between BC Public Post-Secondary Institutions